Oil Analysis
Drag Your Lubrication Program into the Modern Age
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Change your oil at 3000 miles… Gear oils can’t be filtered… Oil’s cheap… You can’t clean oil… Lubricant storage and dispensing isn’t important… Old oil is the primary cause of lubricant-related equipment breakdowns…. We’ve all heard them, the myths and half-truths. I’ve seen the old fashioned schedules, and maintenance programs from the stone age – […]
(Read more...)Oil Analysis for Extending the Life of your Oil
Date: Friday, March 14, 2014

A smart Maintenance Professional knows that an effective oil analysis program saves time and money. An oil analysis program becomes effective when it is incorporated within an overall program that includes: good housekeeping functions properly fitted breathers appropriate storage & dispensing systems correct oil grades in use oil purification Oil analysis is a means of […]
(Read more...)Extending Equipment Oil Life
Date: Friday, November 30, 2012

Oil life can be extended indefinitely… FACT or MYTH ?? Do we really need to change oil by the calendar or the odometer ?? Does oil really wear out ?? For years the accepted practice has been to change oil in equipment on a pre-set scheduled basis regardless of whether the oil is spent. Changing oil […]
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