Oil Purification Services

Are you throwing away oil that still has plenty of life in it? Many companies are trapped in past modes of thinking which dictates that contaminated oil must be changed out as soon as possible. Consequently they rush to replace it.

At Clean Oil Services, we offer a smart alternative. Oil purification removes impurities from your oil, extending its life and effectiveness, in some cases indefinitely.

Oil Purification

The most effective purifier system today is the centrifuge. Centrifuges don’t require the replacement of elements as with a standard filter. Operation is simple, with the lubricant from your machinery constantly passing through the centrifuge while your machine operates.

Inside the centrifuge, a rotor spinning at up to 7000 rpm exerts a gravitational pull by which all particles are shunted off to the outer edges of the unit. Centrifuges can separate particles down to sub-micron levels. The accumulated contaminants can be later removed when the rotor is periodically cleaned.

Where there is a need to remove water contamination as well as particulate contamination, these purification systems are best used in conjunction with vacuum dehydration, which removes the water as well as gases.

Innovative devices such as our Lubemaster can operate on a dialysis system that constantly circulates the lubrication.

Oil Condition Monitoring Programs

Oil purification services using the centrifuge are more effective long term, as part of an overall program that includes analysis and condition monitoring. This allows you to have control over maintenance and lubrication schedules for your equipment. By keeping the machine lubricant in an optimal condition, downtime and the need for expensive replacement parts will be greatly reduced. Lube expenditure will also be greatly reduced with your purified oil remaining in service for longer.

Clean Oil Services provides purification systems to suit all your requirements. We also offer a one report system for condition monitoring, contamination control, lubrication and wear management.

Please click here to contact us to discuss our low cost options to reducing contamination and extending the life of your lube.

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