Oil Cleaning Reduced Cost Pressures For Companies Operating In Australia
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Chief Executive of global energy giant Shell spoke at the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association conference in Brisbane on 27th May and stated that “… rising costs have become a significant challenge for companies doing business here”.
While there are many costs that are beyond the control of businesses operating in the mining, heavy industry and manufacturing sectors, Clean Oil Services offers a proven system that is guaranteed to cut lubrication costs in half. Changing and disposing of oil is now a major cost to industry and it is critical that a Lubrication Management System be implemented to reduce operational costs and improve equipment reliability.

Lubemaster Oil Filtration Unit on site in Zambia
One progressive mining company in Zambia has utilised the oil cleaning technology designed and manufactured by Clean Oil Services. Over a period of 2 years they purchased 6 Lubemaster Oil Filtration Unitsas well as several custom designed centrifuge/ pump assemblies for use in their process plant on the crushers and mills. This has enabled them to extend the oil life significantly by removing the water & particle contamination and keeping the oil in a good operating condition. The oil filtration units filter the oil while the machines continue to operate which reduces the hassles of scheduling service downtime. The mine maintenance staff have found the Lubemaster oil filtration equipment easy to operate and service.
Since installing the Lubemaster Oil Filtration Equipment the mine has reduced the lube expenditure for their fixed plant by a phenomenal 60%. A recent mail from the Reliability Superintendent says it all …. “Things are hotting up here with the centrifuges as our current ones are performing very well. We just had Shell in here trying to tell us it’s not good having the oil in too long ‘cos the sales have dropped off seriously”.
The next challenge for this mine is to implement a similar system for their mobile plant.
Category: Oil Cleaning