Hot Oil Flushing | Introducing the FLUSHMASTER
Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014
Clean Oil Services is the new superstar in hot oil flushing with their recently introduced FLUSHMASTER range of hot oil flushing equipment. The flagship is the FLUSHMASTER 770 which has been designed for flushing compressors on the gas pipeline.
Trials proved it to be extremely effective in cleaning compressor oils which tend to build up rust and contamination particles after the commissioning of new pipelines.
Oil cleanliness levels are critical in the gas turbine compressors and FlushMaster with its variable flow rate to 770LPM and 30kW of heating can achieve particle counts to ISO4406 13/11/7 within 24 hours of flushing on a 2000 litre system.
Utilising our unique Lubemaster technology, the FlushMaster features a specialised vacuum dehydration system which enables it to completely dehydrate and degas the oil within the system. This feature has proved to be a great advantage in the gas industry when regenerating gas compressor oils.
With its 30kW heater, the FlushMaster has no trouble achieving the 75degC flushing temperatures which are paramount to maintaining the required Reynolds flow within the 4000-7000 range.

FlushMaster 770
FlushMaster’s super efficiency offers huge savings in downtime and lubricating oil costs. Oil servicing today’s modern compressors often costs around $13 per litre. The FlushMaster cleans the whole system, restoring the oil back to new specs and allows for the flushing oil to stay in the compressor as service oil, representing a huge cost saving. The need to dispose of flushing oil is also eliminated.
The FlushMaster is fully mobile and can be moved between systems with minimal effort and rigging requirements.
We have a team of technicians available to operate the FlushMaster on sites throughout Australia. Contact us for further information or email
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